Thursday, April 22, 2010

Feedback from Ohio's Native Daughter

A dear friend who happens to hail from Ohio wrote me this a propos Rutherford B. Hayes:

Hayes is the name of the high school in Delaware, Ohio, where you note that Hayes was born. Delaware is a charming small town and until the suburbs started to sprawl like crazy after I left for college, it was really the only town for the next 1.5 hours after my parents' house. They enjoy going there for antiquing, eating a leisurely lunch, going to "mass with the nice priest" (as opposed to their parish), etc.

Interestingly, Hayes' mascot is the Pacers or something similarly horsey, named after a nearby race track? Not very presidential. But in Marion, Ohio, home of Warren G. Harding, their high school mascot is the Presidents. I remember their swim caps having an especially ugly presidential seal of some sort. There's also a Harding high school in Warren, Ohio but their mascot is the Raiders.

We heart our presidents in Ohio. :)

I will venture this hypothesis: in this great nation, there is a school named after every single president, even the miserable ones (see, e.g., here and here). That's presidential love!

1 comment:

  1. Even 32 days in office nets you a high school!
